Clean air for people and the planet

Clean air is a fundamental right

Carbon Reform is a Philadelphia and Delaware based climate tech startup founded by Jo Norris and Nick Martin in early 2020. Our team of engineers, scientists, and creatives are dedicated to democratizing access to carbon removal solutions, decreasing building energy costs, and improving indoor air quality.

Awards and recognition

We envision a future where the buildings we live in and occupy every day become active participants in environmental stewardship and personal health. We recognize that communities facing financial hardship often have the highest indoor air quality concerns and emission rates because of low budgets and outdated systems. Our mission is not just a fight for clean air, but the ability for underserved communities to have access to climate technology where they normally would not.


People spend 90% of their time indoors, and while many perceive indoor spaces as havens from external pollution, indoor air can pose a significant risk to productivity, cognitive performance, and general human health. We help buildings manage indoor CO₂ levels, amongst other contaminants, to maintain optimal indoor air quality.


The built environment is responsible for a staggering 40% of global emissions. On the path to Net Zero, we’ve developed practical solutions that deliver significant climate impact right now.


We know that underserved communities are disproportionately affected by climate change and poor air quality, outdoors and indoors. We offer affordable solutions that utilize existing infrastructure and qualify buildings for incentives around clean air and energy reduction.

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Media Contact:
Meaghan McKiernan
Marketing Manager